Have we got a good story for you! Getting to the heart of your brand story 

Think of your favourite films, books, anecdotes. How did they make you feel? Uplifted, inspired, empowered, excited, moved, understood, hopeful? Whatever the sentiment, the common feature is that they all made you feel something and captured your attention in a way that felt effortless, engaging, meaningful and rewarding.

Whilst we don’t have a magic formula for Oscar winners, we nonetheless do believe in reaching for the stars when it comes to creating brand films. Our ambition is not just to tell a story about the brand – but to tell the best story about the brand.

One of our main focus points is capturing attention from the start. In this modern age of information overload, quickly determining the meaningful from the noise is a priority for audiences. By definition, nobody enjoys being bored. So as filmmakers we need to meet the audience where they’re at and give them reasons to keep viewing – right from the start and all the way through, ensuring that every segment serves their interest.

There are plenty of bland and boring brand films out there. Using cookie cutter templates to create content for content’s sake. These videos often follow a formulaic sequence; a drone shot, followed by staged scenes of contributors walking, talking or working. For all the style, they lack substance, pace, a clear message and coherent story, making the viewer work too hard to grasp the relevance. Just looking good is not enough. It's rather like a song with high production values yet has no great melody or lyrical impact on the listener. A good brand film gets to the heart of the matter and achieving this starts with a clear idea of what you want your audience to learn from your film and how you want them to feel

So how can we ensure that we tell the best story of your brand? As with most things, the key is in the preparation. Here’s an insight into our process.

Step one: Getting to know you

Like any good storyteller knows, the first step is actually to step back, listen and observe.

As part of our process we will sit down with you and really listen. What matters to your brand? What’s unique about you? What do you offer the customer? These details help us craft a vivid and evocative portrayal of your business. The bonus for us is that as we’re people-people, we really enjoy getting to know you.

Step two: Building your customer persona

The next step is to learn about your audience. Who are they? What matters to them? What do they need? What are their interests and priorities? Their problems? What do they aspire to? Building a customer persona will help us identify the overlaps between their needs and your offering. 

Step three: Connecting the dots 

With these insights in mind, we draw on our learning principles and industry knowledge, tools and experience to craft the best story of your brand. Above all, it is emotions that move us. Therefore creating films that evoke positive emotional responses whilst minimising cognitive overload is key. The end result is a film tailored to your unique audience. No cookie cutter templates, no laborious segments that leave people switching off. 

Our ultimate hope is that through cultivating emotional resonance and connection, your story will become part of your customers’ story.

Check out some of our previous brand films on our work page.

If you’d like to discuss a project, get in touch.


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